Rosario Sapuppo

University of Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum”
West Business Law at UC San Dıego Extensıon.
Intensive course on corporate Law Wolters Kluwer (IPSOA).
Bar Admission
Member of Milan Bar
Rosario’s practice prevalently covers contractual and advisory work in the areas of commercial and corporate law as well as private international law.
Rosario has a strong experience in domestic transaction as well FDI, covering manly corporate and commercial law, M&A, Insurtech, international law, luxury (Yachts) and air carrier transportation.
He has developed a relevant experience in assisting start-up from their incorporation up to the fundraising process.
Rosario is frequently involved in cross border transactions between Italy and Turkey, acquiring extensive experience in joint ventures transaction.
From 2012 to 2013 has been lecturer at NIBI of Milano.
As of 2014 he became of-counsel and responsible of the Italian Desk in Turkey for Schoenherr law firm.
On 2016 he has been appointed as legal counsel for Airline Operators Commitee at Malpensa Airport.
Rosario has contributed in drafting the “come tutelare la proprietà intellettuale in Turchia” under instruction of IPR Desk Istanbul of Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero and has partecipated as speaker for “Processi d’internazionalizzazione. Turchia ed Emirati Arabi Uniti: il futuro a confronto”, sponsored by the Unione dei Giovani Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili di Catania, Simest e Confindustria, and at the round table “Contratti di Agenzia – Distribuzione: Italia – Turchia” (sponsored by Confartigianato di Vicenza).